Brands & Products
The quality and safety of food are of utmost importance for Bella. We produce a finished product with a planned quality, consistent with the expectations of consumers.
Our products are without GMO, and our margarines do not consist hydrogenated fats - main source of trans fats. Main principle of the company is the introduction of innovations in food production in response to the high expectations of its customers in the country and abroad.
The incoming raw materials come from regulated suppliers, guaranteeing their origin and purity. The finished products are tested regularly in accredited Bulgarian and European laboratories.
The most modern methods of packaging and materials with barrier properties, with which the quality of the product is maintained and it is protected from environmental influences, are being used.
In the production and labeling of its products, Bella strictly observes the Bulgarian and the European legislation and guarantees to its consumers quality and awareness.
Our portfolio includes a wide range of foods with consistent quality at competitive prices, which are offered under own or private brands. Our products are part of the repast of consumers in Europe, Australia, America and the Middle East.
The following brands are part of BELLA's portfolio: